Exploring the diversity of people within the city walls of Nicosia that has always been a stop for a lot of travelers from the three surrounding continents. Nicosia is home to to many, from domestic workers, asylum seekers, tourists and visitors as well as its own diverse identity.
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Portraits à la silhouette was the name given to portraiture done on the "cheap" and was named after Etienne de Silhouette, French finance minister. Given the nature of this style portraits became available to the less financially fortunate. View Project
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Exploring identity is a very big part of my investigative photographic journey. Maybe because my generation in Cyprus had had its identify impaired between to many ethnic branches.
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With no less than five ethnic minorities and two political minorities within the Cyprus constitution, it can be hard identifying one self with ethnicity rather than nationality. View Project
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Living and working in London at the time, it was facinating to watch the variety of people that make up London. This project was as much as a document to this as it was a journey for me in understanding a very diverse identity.
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Identity can can be a very fluid terminology and Londoners can be a prime example of this. Identity is no longer just linked to national origin or perhaps relegious beleves, although still playing a large roll. In a very fast consumer environment and with the "help" of media we are able to wear our identity in order to portray aspects of our lifes. Glimpses,..View Project
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